OAuth 2


These settings allow you to connect Trustelem with any OAuth 2.0 compliant implementation.
Before you start the configuration make sure to have access to the OAuth 2.0 settings of the client application.


  • ClientID
    This value is used identify your application. Use it as the clientID setting of your application.

  • ClientSecret
    This value authenticate your application on Trustelem, a secure random value is proposed by default. Use it as the clientSecret setting of your application.

  • RedirectURI
    List of authorized callback addresses that Trustelem will redirect users to. Enter the value(s) prescribed by your client application.

  • Login URL (optional)
    This URL is used to provide a direct link to your client application on the Trustelem user dashboard. Enter here the starting point of the OAuthauthorization flow of your client application.

  • Authorize endpoint
    This value is a read-only value given by Trustelem. Use it as the authorizationURL in your application settings.

  • Token endpoint
    This value is a read-only value given by Trustelem. Use it as the grantURL in your application settings.

  • Resource endpoint
    Use this service (GET), with the OAuth access_token as HTTP header and with the required scope so as to get corresponding values.


    Authentication header:

    Authorization: Bearer < access_token >

    Available scopes are:

    • email
    • given_name
    • family_name
    • organization
    • phone
    • groups